Best Low Interest Balance Transfer Credit Cards and Credit Card RatesSearching for the best low interest balance transfer credit cards and credit card rates? Right now on the credit card rate tables on there are several credit cards available that have a 0% balance transfer interest rate. Balance transfer periods on these credit cards range from 6 months to 18 months. Of course there are balance transfer fees associated with all balance transfer credit cards which make the 0% balance transfer period not really 0% when you factor in the fee. The credit card that has the longest 0% balance transfer period on our credit card rate table is from Discover Bank. The bank's Discover More Card has a 0% balance transfer period of 18 months. The balance transfer fee is 4% if you transfer a credit card balance during the application process. The fee increases to 5% if you do a transfer after applying for the card. The Discover More Card also has a 6 month 0% introductory period for purchases. After the 6 month intro period on purchases and 18 month intro period on balance transfers the interest rate can range anywhere between 11.99% to 22.99% based on your creditworthiness. Credit Cards and Credit Card Rates: Best Low Interest Balance Transfer CardsPentagon Federal Credit Union (Penfed) has a longer introductory period on balance transfers. Penfed's balance transfer period is 24 months on the credit union's Premium Travel Rewards credit card and on their Platinum Cashback Rewards credit card. The balance transfer interest rate on both cards is 4.99%. The 4.99% rate is good for online balance transfers. If you do a transfer over the phone or in person the interest rate is 6.99.% The balance transfer fee is only 2.5% and has a maximum cap of $100. After the promotional balance transfer period has ended on the Premium Travel Rewards credit card and the Platinum Cashback Rewards credit card the current rate will be 13.24% but can increase since the credit cards are variable rate cards tied to the Prime Rate. A list of the current best low interest balance transfer rates is below. You can see a more current list of rates by searching our credit card rate tables here: Credit Card Interest Rate Tables Best Low Interest Balance Transfer Credit Cards and Credit Card Rates