CD Yields in Miami Beach, Florida

Searching our CD interest rates table in Miami Beach, Florida, we found Bank of Internet has the highest interest rate on a 12 month CD. Bank of Internet's current rate on 12 month CDs is 1.40% with a CD yield 1.41%. The minimum opening deposit at BofI is $1000.

Two banks are tied for the second highest rate on our 12 month Miami Beach, FL rate list. Discover Bank and Sallie Mae are both currently offering 12 month rates at 1.29 percent with a yield of 1.30 percent. Discover Bank's minimum opening certificate of deposit balance is $2,500 and Sallie Mae's is $1.

Ally Bank is right behind them with a 1 year rate of 1.28 percent and a yield of 1.29 percent. Ally Bank's minimum opening deposit is also $1. Pentagon Federal Credit Union is the only credit union in the top 10 on our list. Penfed's current interest rate on certificates is 1.25 percent with a yield of 1.26 percent. Penfed's minimum opening balance is $1,000.

Nationwide Bank rounds out the top 5 list of rates. Nationwide Bank's current 1 year rate is 1.24 percent with a yield of 1.25 percent. Nationwide has the largest opening deposit in the top 5. The bank's minimum opening deposit is $10,000.

Miami Beach, Florida CD Yields

  • Bank of Internet USA 1.41% Min $1000
  • Discover Bank 1.30% Min $2500
  • Sallie Mae 1.30% Min $ 1
  • Ally Bank 1.29% Min $ 1
  • PenFed 1.26% Min $1000
  • Nationwide Bank 1.25% Min $10,000
  • 1.21% Min $2500
  • AIG Bank 1.15% Min $2500
  • Tennessee Commerce Bank 1.05% Min $2500
  • EverBank 1.05% Min $1500
  • ING DIRECT 1.00% Min $ 1
  • First Internet Bank of IN 1.00% Min $1000
  • Ameriprise Bank FSB 0.95% Min $10,000
  • Flagstar Bank 0.95% Min $500
  • American Express Bank 0.90% Min $ 0
  • Third Federal 0.90% Min $500
  • Zions Bank 0.70% Min $1000
  • 0.65% Min $10,000
  • Coastline FCU 0.60% Min $1000
  • AmTrust Bank/Ohio Savings 0.55% Min $10,000

Author: Brian McKay
January 10th, 2011