CGR Credit Union Savings Dividend Rates IRA Rates at 1.74%

CGR Credit Union of Macon, Georgia, is advertising some of the best savings account dividend rates available today. In addition to having some of the best savings rates CGR Credit Union is also advertising some of the best money market account rates. 

The best rate on the credit union's money market accounts are on their jumbo accounts. Current jumbo money market rates are at 1.59% with a money market yield of 1.60%. This rate is well above the national average rate and also well above most 12 month CD rates right now. CGR Credit Union's mortgage rates today are also very competitive with other credit unions in the state of Georgia.

If you're looking for IRA savings account rates CGR Credit Union is also advertising an IRA rate that is better than their jumbo MMA rate. IRA Advantage savings account rates are advertised at 1.74% with a savings yield of 1.75%.

The credit union's other savings dividend rates are not has high but are still competitive with other banks and credit unions. Regular Share Rate, a Kid's Club Rate, a Vacation Club Rate and a Christmas Club Rate all at 0.75% with a yield of 0.75%.

CGR Credit Union Money Market Account Rates

  • $5,000 - $24,999.99 Rates 1.14% Yields 1.15%
  • $25,000 - 49,999.99 Rates 1.14% Yields 1.15%
  • $50,000 - 74,999.99 Rates 1.24% Yields 1.25%
  • $75,000 - 99,999.99 Rates 1.24% Yields 1.25%
  • $100,000 or more Rates 1.59% Yields 1.60%

The credit union's MMA rates are also better than most rates available these days. As with any credit union you have to join CGR Credit Union to open an account. Information about joining can be found on the credit union's website here:

Author: Lisa Graham
September 8th, 2011

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