E-Loan Savings Interest Account RatesE-Loan is currently advertising two different savings account rates that have tiered interest rates. E-Loan’s online savings accounts include their Standard Savings Account and their Savings Plus Savings Account. E-Loan's savings rates are not the best savings rates around but their rates are a lot better than the national average savings account rates. E-Loan slightly lowered their savings rates since we last reported on their rates. Looking for the highest savings account yields? Use our savings tables at SavingsAccount.MonitorBankRates.com to find the best savings account yields in your area. E-Loan's Standard Savings Ratesare not as high as their Savings Plus Savings Rates but you have to make regular monthly deposits of at least $100 to qualify for the Savings Plus savings account rates. E-Loan's highest savings account rate is on their Savings Plus Savings Account. The current savings account rate is 1.00 percent with an annual percentage yield of 1.00 percent for account balances of $100,000 or more. That savings rate is competitive with other jumbo savings account rates currently available. That rate also beats the current national average savings rate of 0.50 percent. E-Loan Online Savings Account RatesStandard Savings Account Rates
Plus Savings Account Rates
Savings account rates change often. For a current list of E-Loan savings account rates visit eloan.com. Explore Other Savings Account Offers
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