McGraw-Hill FCU Money Market Account Rates and Savings Rates

McGraw-Hill Federal Credit Union of East Windsor, New Jersey, is advertising money market account rates and savings account rates. The credit union is advertising two types of savings accounts - a regular Share Savings Account and a Traditional Holiday Club Savings Account.

Looking for the best savings account rates and money market account rates? Use our interest rate tables at to find the best interest rates and yields available in your area.

Both types of savings accounts currently have a savings account rate of .50 percent with an annual percentage yield (APY) of 0.50 percent. You can find savings rates higher than McGraw-Hill's rates, just search our savings rate tables at to find the best savings account rates in your area.

McGraw-Hill’s money market account rates are higher than their savings rates. The highest money market account rate is for account balances of $250,000 or more. The current money market interest rate for balances of $250,000 or more is 1.99 percent with an APY of 2.01 percent. That rate is one of the highest money market account rates currently available.

McGraw-Hill FCU Money Market Account Rates

  • Balances of $250,000 and over MMA Rate 1.99% APY 2.01%
  • Balances of $100,000 – $249,999.99 MMA Rate 1.24% APY 1.25%
  • Balances of $25,000 – $99,999.99 MMA Rate 1.04% APY 1.05%
  • Balances of $10,000 – $24,999.99 MMA Rate 0.75% APY 0.75%
  • Balances of $5,000 – $9,999.99 MMA Rate 0.65% APY 0.65%

For information about joining McGraw-Hill Federal Credit Union and a list of their most current interest rates visit

Author: Brian McKay
May 16th, 2010

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