Savings Account Rates Houston, TX

Searching our savings account rates list in Houston, Texas two banks are currently tied with the best savings rate. American Express Bank and Sallie Mae Bank are both currently offering online savings rates at 1.29 percent with an online savings account yield of 1.30 percent.

The second highest savings account rate on our list in Houston, TX is from Discover Bank, Capital One Direct Banking and Bancorp South. All three banks are currently offering savings rates at 1.24 percent with a current savings yield of 1.25 percent.

The third best interest rate on our list in Houston is from Zions Bank and Flagstar Bank. Both Zions and Flagstar are currently offering savings interest rates at 1.10 percent with a yield of 1.11 percent.

The fourth best rate on our list is from five different banks. FNBO DIRECT, ING DIRECT, First Internet Bank of IN, Nationwide Bank and Salem Five Direct are all offering rates at 1.09 percent with a yield of 1.10 percent.

Houston, Texas Savings Account Rates 

  • American Express Bank FSB Rate 1.29% Yield 1.30% Min $ 0 
  • Sallie Mae Rate 1.29% Yield 1.30% Min $ 1
  • Discover Bank Rate 1.24% Yield 1.25% Min $500 
  • Capital One Direct Banking Rate 1.24% Yield 1.25% Min $1000
  • Zions Bank Rate 1.10% Yield 1.11% Min $1000 
  • Flagstar Bank Rate 1.10% Yield 1.11% Min $ 1 
  • FNBO DIRECT Rate 1.09% Yield 1.10% Min $ 1 
  • ING DIRECT Rate 1.09% Yield 1.10% Min $ 1 
  • First Internet Bank of IN Rate 1.09% Yield 1.10% Min $100 
  • Nationwide Bank  Rate 1.09% Yield1.10% Min $2000 
  • Salem Five Direct Rate 1.09% Yield 1.10% Min $ 1 Must have a checking account.
  • Ally Bank Rate 1.08% Yield 1.09% Min $ 1 
  • EverBank Rate 1.05 % Yield 1.06% Min $ 1 

Author: Lisa Graham
January 31st, 2011

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